luni, 27 septembrie 2010

I praise myself

There is an open field I lie down in a hole I once dug and I praise the sky.
I praise the clouds which are like lungs of light.
I praise the owl that wants to inhabit me and the hawk that does not.
I praise the mouse's fury, the wolf's consideration.
I praise the dog that lives in the household of people and shall never be one of them.
I praise the whale that lives under the cold blankets of salt.
I praise the formations of squid, the domes of meandra.
I praise the secrecy of doors, the openness of windows.
I praise the depth of closets.
I praise the wind,the rising generations of air.
I praise the trees of Rio and those that shall grow in London.
I praise the gardeners, the worms and the small plants that praise each other.
I praise the sweet berries of Georgetown, Maine and the song of the white-throated sparrow.
I praise the poets of Waverly Place and Eleventh Street, and the one whose bones turn to dark emeralds when he stands upright in the wind.
I praise the clocks for which i grow old in a day and young in a day.
I praise all manner of shade, that which I see and that which i do not.
I praise all roofs from the watery roof of the pond to the slate roof of the customs house.
I praise those who have made of their bodies final embassies of flesh.
I praise the failure of those with ambition, the authors of leaflets and notebooks of nothing.

I praise the moon for suffering men.
I praise the sun its tributes.
I praise the pain of revival and the bliss of decline.
I praise all for nothing because there is no price.
I praise myself for the way I have with a shovel and I praise the shovel.
I praise the motive of praise by which I shall be reborn.
I praise the morning whose sun is upon me.
I praise the evening whose son I am.

And I praise myself.
-am intrat prima pe lista, si ii laud pe cei care au creat o lista.
-sunt bugetara, ii laud pe toti cei care platesc taxe.
-sunt studenta la arte, laud toti artistii.
-sunt din nou boboaca, laud toti bobocii.
-sunt 'au plus pres de paradis' ,si habar nu am ce rol avea catherine deneuve in filmul asta

( nu stiu autorul sau titlul poeziei. )

vineri, 30 iulie 2010

NU stiu

Vara lumea trebuie prinsa in ace de gamalie. Asta pentru o mai buna fixare in spatiu. Cred ca prea ne plimba soarele dintr-un loc intr-altul. As dori sa stau locului o vreme.
Mie mi-ar placea sa ma agat intr-un cui.
Poate astia maturi cu ochiii bulbucati care iti arunca cate vreo privire amenintatoare se vor uita la tine altfel. Ca deh, tu ai agatatura, ei n-au.

luni, 26 iulie 2010

dear kids,

Today I'd like to talk to you about a most interesting scenery, about a lot of dramatic things that took place there, about the people that made some action and changed something regular into something spectacular. I like telling you stories about love, for I believe the most enlightening thing you'll ever encounter will be love. Life, as i see it, is really not about money, it's not about losing hope and trying to find it. It's about realising there's always something to love. And there again, is it? I wanted to ask you kids, how do you see things? How are your monsters and little childhood games? How are cartoons lately? What do you talk about with your friends?
What I saw lately was usual, but it made me act differently. Like when your mom tells you to finish your plate and all you can think about is going outside and play. I wanted to play a lot, kids, I wanted to run around until my feet would start hurting. So I decided to play seriousely, and i managed to do a fine job. I saw a lot of people kids, they were different and pretty artistic. But there wasn't something peculiar about them, and I couldn't remember them as being extraordinary. I just can't wait to see you in college kids. To see you playing around seriousely.

vineri, 2 iulie 2010

acum ca e gata

pot sa-mi afund capul linistita intr-o perna,
sa ma trezesc tarziu si sa fiu mai ales lenesa,
sa ma bronzez si sa ma bucur de mine,
sa citesc multe carti faine,
sa renunt la cafea ,
sa ma bucur de muzica si filme,
sa ma bucur de mine,
sa ma bucur de el.

miercuri, 30 iunie 2010

gotta love history

two more to go

luni, 28 iunie 2010

one down, two more to go.

vineri, 25 iunie 2010

dupa tipologii strict personale

De fiecare data cand ma gandesc la scrisul mamei imi intra in ochi multa fermitate ce parca inteapa. Tata scrie cu litere mari, intr-un fel matematic ce ma face sa transform "a"-urile in patratele. E ceva cu modul oamenilor de a scrie, poti sa-i cauti mai usor printre cuvinte, spatii si puncte. Eu chiar fac celeasi greseli gramaticale dintr-a Vlll-a. Cand vad ce scriu nu-mi place, desi acum nu scriu numai pentru mine si am ajuns sa-mi analizez de doua ori mai atent greselile. Apar mereu altele.

Am multe ticuri verbale, si-mi plac cuvintele incorigibile. Cateodata profii ma laudau pentru asta. Aprobau ori pentru ca vorbeam prea repede ori pentru ca vroiau sa scape de mine. M-am banalizat in ultima vreme sau m-am tampit. Nu pot sa aflu ordinea exacta. Am trecut prin adevarate procese de constiinta pentru ca nu reuseam sa gandesc cum trebuie. Scrisul meu o ia cateodata la stanga iar eu nu merg mereu dreapta. Am un mers stramb si o gandire stangace. Mi-ar placea sa ma trezesc de cel putin cinci ori pe zi. Logica mea e iluzorie. Sunt lenesa in toate momentele inoportune. Am terminat totusi scoala. Foaia de mai sus e din caietul de Romana pe care scriu de zor eseuri pentru bac. Mi-a placut mereu sa invat, mai putin anul asta. Nu stiu daca o sa reusesc sa inteleg pe deplin autori care-mi plac prea mult cateodata. Stanescu e genial, altcineva nu putea sa descopere mai bine cuvantul dupa un secol de ideologizare politica aberanta.

Cand termin ceva vreau mereu sa o iau de la capat.